Using flipped classrooms in a second-year undergraduate maths module: motivation, challenges, tips on implementation, and perceptions from a diverse student community.
Maths Education Seminar
17th January 2025, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Fry Building, 2.04
This talk explores the implementation of a flipped classroom approach in a year 2 undergraduate mathematics module delivered in 2023/24 at the University of Liverpool. The class comprised of 120 students: approximately 60 UK home students and 60 Chinese international students who join directly into Year 2 as part of the 2+2 program with international partner XJTLU.
A flipped classroom approach to teaching allows students to have an active role during teaching sessions which encourages collaboration with peers, offers flexibility & supports independence, and promotes deeper learning. The approach has the potential to significantly improve student engagement, however, many academics are unfamiliar with effective strategies, daunted by the time-investment required to re-purpose resources, and concerned about varying expectations of their students.
The session provides a basic approach for structuring flipped classrooms, offers plenty of practical advice on the design and implementation of activities, gives many examples used on the module, and shows how polling software can be incorporated to improve engagement. The talk will conclude with a review of student perceptions on the usefulness of this approach and the challenges. This includes insights into how both home and international students perceive the benefits of this approach and plans for future developments.
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