Alice Dell’Arciprete

University of York

Quiver presentations for Hecke categories and KLR algebras

Algebra Seminar

28th January 2025, 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Fry Building, 2.04

We discuss the algebraic structure of KLR algebras by way of the diagrammatic Hecke categories of maximal parabolics of finite symmetric groups. Combinatorics (in the shape of Dyck tableaux) plays a huge role in understanding the structure of these algebras. Instead of looking only at the sets of Dyck tableaux (which enumerate the q-decomposition numbers) we look at the relationships for passing between these Dyck tableaux. In fact, this “meta-Kazhdan-Lusztig combinatorics” is sufficiently rich as to completely determine the Ext-quiver and relations presentation of these algebras.

Organisers: Jack Saunders, Vlad Vankov

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