Tanja Schindler

University of Exeter

Properties and limit laws of dynamical systems with two infinite components

Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems Seminar

28th November 2024, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Fry Building, 2.04

While studying dynamical systems with one infinite component, i.e. a probability preserving dynamical system and a non-integrable observable or an infinite measure preserving dynamical system with an integrable observable still has a lot of interesting questions - it is interesting to study systems with more than one infinite component. An example would be an infinite measure system with an observable which is not integrable on a finite measure set. Another example would be a dynamical system with two dynamically separated infinite measure sets A and B; i.e. orbits have to pass through a finite measure set Y in order to pass from A to B and vice versa. I will show some (completely incomplete list of) examples where one of the above described behaviours occur. This is a somewhat expository talk including joint work with Claudio Bonanno and Muhammad Mubarak.

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