Small n Renyi entropies, Entanglement Temperatures and Holography
QFT/Holography Seminar
18th November 2024, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Fry Building, 4th Floor Seminar Room
In this talk, I will introduce the notion of entanglement temperatures in QFT, a generalization of the Unruh temperatures valid for states reduced onto arbitrary spatial regions. The entanglement temperatures encode the high energy behavior of the state around a point. They are determined by the solutions of an Eikonal problem in Euclidean space and propagate ballistically in the Minkowskian section. I will show that for theories with a free UV fixed point, the entanglement temperatures determine the state with a large modular temperature. In particular, I will present a formula that connects the Renyi entropy in the small Renyi parameter limit and the entanglement temperatures. Finally, I will show an explicit realization of this setup in 2d holographic CFTs and its consistency with Dong's proposal for the holographic dual to the Renyi entropies.
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