Tiling thresholds in 3-uniform hypergraphs
Combinatorics Seminar
15th October 2024, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Fry Building, 2.04
A classical question in extremal (hyper)graph theory asks for tight minimum degree conditions which force the existence of certain spanning structures in large graphs, generalising Dirac's theorem from 1952. One aspect of this concerns tiling graphs with identical vertex disjoint copies of a small subgraph. For example, asking for tight minimum codegree conditions in a k-uniform hypergraph which force a perfect matching (under the obvious additional necessary condition that the number of vertices is divisible by k). Whilst there has been a lot of interest in these types of tiling problem, still very few results are known. We share a new result in this area, which is joint work with Amarja Kathapurkar, Natasha Morrison and Richard Mycroft.
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