Anastasia Kisil

University of Manchester

Diffraction of acoustic waves by edges and corners of a simple periodic material

Fluids and Materials Seminar

21st November 2024, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Fry Building, Fry G.07

In diffraction theory, it is well known that the interfaces between two materials (points, lines or surfaces) play a fundamental role in wave scattering. In this talk I will explain the progress that is made into semi-analytical method to compute the wave scattering by a simple periodic material. The study of wave propagation in a periodic medium is a classical and important research direction but it is usually assumed that the material is infinite in all directions. The novelty of this approach is that the periodic material is semi-infinite and hence has edges and corners. In particular, I will consider semi-infinite arrays and wedges made of point scatters. The method will be a based on the generalisation of Wiener--Hopf techniques which has classically being used to solve scattering by one array.

In the second part of the talk I will discuss I will examine what information can be extracted from the equation even if the solution cannot be explicitly derived. This will lead to the idea used in diffraction theory called the embedding formula. It provides a way of expressing a solution of a diffraction problem in terms of solutions of similar problems but with different forcings. This allows to reuse solutions and hence reduce computational cost.

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