Heilbronn Colloquium Van Der Schaar

Tuesday 15th MayTuesday 15th May 2018

15 May 2018

16.00, SM1 Main Maths Building, University of Bristol

We are delighted to welcome Michaela van der Schaar, Oxford, to the University of Bristol for a Heilbronn Colloquium, followed by a wine reception in the common room/veranda.

Causal Inference for Treatment Effects: A Theory and Associated Learning Algorithms

Abstract: We investigate the problem of estimating the causal effect of a treatment on individual subjects from observational data; this is a central problem in various application domains, including healthcare, social sciences, and online advertising. We first develop a theoretical foundation of causal inference for individualized treatment effects based on information theory. Next, we use this theory, to construct an information-optimal Bayesian causal inference algorithm.  This algorithm embeds the potential outcomes in a vector-valued reproducing kernel Hilbert space and uses a multi-task Gaussian process prior over that space to infer the individualized causal effects. We show that our algorithm significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art causal inference algorithms. The talk will conclude with a discussion of the impact of this work on precision medicine and clinical trials.


If you haven’t already registered and are intending to come, please use the short registration form to let us know of your attendence.


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