Sidharth (Sid) Jaggi

University of Bristol

Group testing: A survey

Mathematical Explain & Explore Talks Seminar

7th March 2025, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Fry Building, 2.04

Group testing is the problem of inferring a (hopefully) small subset of items/individuals of interest from a large populations via pooled/group tests — test outcomes are positive if and only if the pool being tested contains at least one item/individual of interest. Canonical examples include identifying diseased individuals in a population, item identification in RFID systems, identification of defective products in industrial systems, and streaming algorithms. The theory and algorithms also offer insights into more general non-linear sparse inverse problems. In this talk I'll survey some classical fundamental bounds and algorithms for a variety of models, and present some recent results.

Organisers: Laura Monk, Sam Power

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