Marissa Loving Yu

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Least dilatation of pure surface braids (NB: Unusual day & time!)

Analysis and Geometry Seminar

19th April 2018, 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Howard House, 4th Floor Seminar Room

The n-stranded pure surface braid group of a genus g surface can be described as the subgroup of the pure mapping class group of a surface of genus g with n-punctures which becomes trivial on the closed surface. I am interested in the least dilatation of pseudo-Anosov pure surface braids. For the n=1 case, upper and lower bounds on the least dilatation were proved by Dowdall and Aougab-Taylor, respectively. In this talk, I will describe the upper and lower bounds I have proved as a function of g and n.

Note: Unusual day and time

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