Korteweg-de Vries, Painlevé, and Riemann-Hilbert
Mathematical Physics Seminar
7th October 2022, 1:45 pm – 3:30 pm
Fry Building, 2.04
Over the past 30 years it has been amply demonstrated that Riemann-Hilbert problems can be used to efficiently derive and rigorously prove asymptotic results in various fields such as integrable systems, random matrix theory, and statistical mechanics. In this talk we focus on two classical examples from nonlinear differential equations named after Korteweg-de Vries and Painlevé, respectively. We explain how they can be related to Riemann-Hilbert problems and why this is useful for their asymptotic analysis as well as for understanding the relations between their solutions.
Talk recording: https://mediasite.bris.ac.uk/Mediasite/Play/316cf50ff3fa4f3fa377c4d4df8c212f1d
Organiser: Emma Bailey
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