On the Volume of the Black Hole Interior
Mathematical Physics Seminar
29th October 2021, 1:45 pm – 3:30 pm
Fry Building, 2.04
In recent years intriguing connections have been emerging between black holes and quantum chaos. One such proposed relation is between the growing volume of the black hole interior and the complexity of the corresponding evolving quantum state. In this talk, we study the fate of the black hole interior in a simple models of quantum gravity that has a dual description in terms of Random Matrix Theory. We find that the volume of the interior grows linearly at early times and then, due to non-perturbative effects, saturates at a time and towards a value that are exponentially large in the entropy of the black hole. This provides a confirmation of the aforementioned complexity equals volume proposal, since in chaotic systems complexity is also expected to exhibit the same behavior.
Talk recording: https://mediasite.bris.ac.uk/Mediasite/Play/75803a2f74ce4e5f8116bb757d30bfeb1d
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