Jess Jay

University of Bristol University of Bristol

Second-Class Particles in ASEP under the Blocking Measure

Probability Seminar

7th October 2022, 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Fry Building, 2.04

In this talk we will consider the behaviour of second-class particles in the asymmetric simple exclusion process under its natural product blocking measure.

By considering two coupled asymmetric simple exclusion processes we can construct an ASEP with second-class particles. Using the coupling and combinatorial arguments we can find the distribution of the positions of the second-class particles for any given number of second-class particles we wish to consider. In this talk we will discuss this result and see some of the arguments used in the proof.

This is based on joint work with D. Adams and M. Balázs (to feature in an upcoming paper).

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