Gernot Akemann – Leverhulme Seminar

University of Bielefeld University of Bielefeld

Fermions in low dimensions and non-Hermitian random matrices

Mathematical Physics Seminar

26th April 2024, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Fry Building, 2.04

The ground state of N noninteracting Fermions in a rotating harmonic trap enjoys a one-to-one mapping to the complex Ginibre ensemble. This setup is equivalent to electrons in a magnetic field described by Landau levels. The mean, variance and higher order cumulants of the number of particles in a circular domain can be computed exactly for finite N and in three different large-N limits. In the bulk and at the edge of the spectrum the result is universal for a large class of rotationally invariant potentials. In the bulk the variance and entanglement entropy are proportional and satisfy an area law. The same universality can be proven for the quaternionic Ginibre ensemble and its corresponding generalisation. For the real Ginibre ensemble we determine the large-N limit at the origin and conjecture its universality in the bulk and at the edge.

Organiser: Emma Bailey

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