Cuspform Analogues for Classical Point-Counting Problems
Linfoot Number Theory Seminar
24th May 2023, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Fry Building, 2.04
The famous Gauss circle and Dirichlet divisor problems can both be viewed as estimation problems for sums of Fourier coefficients of certain GL(2) automorphic forms. More generally, we can ask if partial progress towards these famous problems carries over to non-trivial estimates for sums of Fourier coefficients of other modular forms. This talk will discuss the generalization of the Gauss circle problem to GL(2) holomorphic cuspforms as well as cuspform analogues for the binary additive divisor problem and "non-split" divisor sums.
Organisers: Holly Green, Besfort Shala
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