Quantum Information Theory group

Our group has members in the Schools of Mathematics and Physics. We are interested in all theoretical aspects of quantum information science, including the following areas:

  • Fundamental aspects of quantum mechanics
  • Mathematical underpinnings of quantum information theory
  • Quantum algorithms
  • Quantum computation
  • Quantum nonlocality
  • Applications of quantum information theory to other disciplines (e.g. thermodynamics)

We are part of the Bristol Quantum Information Institute and regularly collaborate on experimental work with our colleagues in the Quantum Engineering Technology Labs.

We have a blog which hosts occasional posts by group members.

The QIT group, 2019

Career opportunities

PhD applications

We are always happy to hear from excellent students with backgrounds in mathematics, physics or computer science who are interested in pursuing a PhD with us. Applications are handled through the following routes:

You are also welcome to contact one of the group members with an informal enquiry.
