Prof. Jens Eggers awarded 2023 LMS Naylor Prize

Congratulations to Prof. Jens Eggers, who has been awarded the 2023 London Mathematical Society Naylor Prize.

Portrait of Professor Jens Eggers.

2023 LMS Naylor Prize winner, Jens Eggers.

The School of Mathematics is delighted to congratulate Prof. Jens Eggers on his recent award of the
Naylor prize from the London Mathematical Society. He has been cited for his profound contributions to the theoretical understanding of singularities, and in particular his construction of explicit solutions, which shed light on experiments, from the breakup of a fluid droplet, to the formation of cusps on a free surface, to shock formation. The winner of the Naylor Prize will be invited to give the Naylor Lecture at the next LMS general meeting.

Previous recipients of the award include Sir Stephen Hawking, Sir Roger Penrose, Sir James Lighthill, Christopher Longuet-Higgins and Emeritus Professor of Physics at University of Bristol, Sir Michael Berry.
