Archive | October, 2022

Song Liu and Mingxuan Yi Publishing Machine Learning Papers

Dr. Song Liu and Mingxuan Yi are publishing papers at top international machine learning conferences. The first paper is entitled  “Estimating the Arc Length of the Optimal ROC Curve and Lower Bounding the Maximal AUC” and the second is “Sliced Wasserstein Variational Inference”. Huge congratulations to Song on this achievement. Details of both papers are below: Title: […]

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Congratulations to Compass student published in NeurIPS 2022

Congratulations to Dan Ward, Matteo Fasiolo, Mark Beaumont and their industrial collaborators from Improbable. Compass PhD student, Dan Ward, who along with his supervisors has had their paper Robust Neural Posterior Estimation and Statistical Model Criticism accepted for publication in NeurIPS 2022. Simulators are idealistic approximations of reality, meaning that there is often a disparity […]

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